It's Personal

This is what my 9 year relationship with God looks like. It's simple, nothing fancy just a small black overhead lamp, a notebook and my Bible. In this space I feel at home, I feel complete.

 Before bedtime, We end our night in our family circle prayer. After we've each said our prayers,  I tuck my children into their beds, kiss my husband good night, then I start my study my Bible.  During this time, my home is quiet as I enjoy the stillness of the silence. I am at peace to hear from God. This place is special to me. This is were my intimacy with God begins.  This is were I journal and  prepare all of my messages, post and tweets for the next day. This is were I learn, grow and share with you what God has given me. This is where I am corrected, yet encouraged, feel joy and also tears of sadness,  and were I am built up and gently tore down. It's were I find my strength and my weaknesses. It's were I  learn how much God loves me and how much I love Him. This is were I get to read my Bible (out of love) and  not have to. (out of obligation). Everything that I create, every idea comes from this place.
My bedroom, a small black overhead lamp, a notebook, and my Bible. This is my intimate place with God. What's yours?

I love having God in my home. I  can meet with Him whenever.

Quote My Life

HeirStatus: God knows everything about you and still chooses you.
You are hand picked on purpose to complete your purpose.

Are You Dating? Be Picky!

If you're still searching  for that special someone, be patient, be prudent, and be picky. Look for someone whose values you respect, whose behavior you approve of, and whose faith you admire. Remember that appearances can be deceiving and tempting, so watch your step. And when it comes to the important task of building a lifetime relationship, pray about it!

    If you happen to be one of those very lucky persons who has already fallen madly in love, say a great big thanks to the Matchmaker in heaven. But if you haven't yet found your love, don't fret. Just keep trusting God, and keep yourself open to the direction in which He is leading you. And remember: When it comes to selecting someone, God wants to give His approval  but He won't give it until He's asked. So ask, listen, and decide accordingly.


Slow Down!!!!

Slow Down!!!!!


Everybody knows you're a very busy person. But here's a question: are you able to squeeze time into your hectic schedule for God? Hopefully so! But if you're one of those who rush through the day with scarcely a single moment to talk to your Creator , it's time to reshuffle your priorities.

 You live in a noisy world, a world filled with distractions, frustrations, temptations, and complications. But if you allow the distractions of everyday life to distract you from God's peace, you're doing yourself a big disservice. So here's some good advice: instead of rushing nonstop through the day, slow yourself down long enough to have a few quiet minutes with God.

   Nothing is more important than the time you spend with your Heavenly Father. Absolutely nothing. So be still and claim the inner peace that is your spiritual birthright: the peace of Jesus Christ. It is offered freely; it has been paid for in full; it is yours for the asking. So ask. And then share.

Quotes My Life

“I am enough of an artist to draw freely upon my imagination. Imagination is more important than knowledge. Knowledge is limited. Imagination encircles the world.”
Albert Einstein

This weather won't let me be great

Quote My Life

"If you tell the truth, you don't have to remember anything.”
Mark Twain

Self-defeating Anger

When you allow yourself to become angry, you are certain to defeat at least one person: Yourself.
When you allow the minor frustrations of everyday life to hijack your emotions, you do harm to yourself and to your loved ones. So today and everyday, guard yourself against the kind of angry thinkin that inevitably takes a toll on your emotions and your relationships.

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When you strike out in anger, you may miss the other person, but you will always hit yourself.
                                                                                                         -Jim Gallery
Anger will take you to places you can't get back. -T.D. Jakes

When something robs you of your peace of mind, ask yourself if it is worth the energy you are expending on it. If not, then 'put it out of your mind in an act of discipline. Every time the thought of "it" returns, refuse it.                                                        -Kay Arthur

Fruit of the Spirit

But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, forbearance, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control. Against such things there is no law.  
                                                                                        Galatians 5:22-Twenty-Three

God Will Use It All

Quote My Life

The worst loneliness is to not be comfortable with yourself. -Mark Twain

Using Our Gifts

Face it: you've got an array of talents that need to be refined. All people posses special gifts- bestowed from the Father above - and you are no exception. But your particular gift is no guarantee of success; it must be cultivated -by you- or it will go unused.... and God's gift to you will be squandered.

   Are you willing to do the hard work that's required to discover your talents and to develop them? If you are wise, you'll answer "yes" After all if you don't make the most of your talents, you have to most to lose.

So make a promise to yourself that you will earnestly seek to discover the talents that God has given you. Then, nourish those talents and make them grow. Finally, vow to share your gifts with the world for as long as God gives you the power to do so. After all, the best way to say " Thank You" for God's gifts is to use them.

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Almighty God created us, redeemed us, called us, endowed us with gifts, abilities and perceptions. To demean the gift is to insult the Giver.                               -Penelope Stokes

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The Courage to Follow God

Because we are saved by a risen Christ, we can have hope for the future, no matter how desperate our circumstances may seem. After all, God has promised that we are His throughout eternity. And, He has told  us that we must place our hopes in Him.

  Today, summon the courage to follow God, Even if the path seems difficult, even if your heart is fearful, trust your Heavenly Father and follow Him. Trust Him with your day and your life. Do His work, care for His children, and share His Good News. Let Him guide your steps. He will not lead you astray.

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Down through the centuries, in times of trouble and trail, God has brought courage to the hearts of those who love Him. The Bible is filled with assurances of God's help and comfort in every kind of trouble which might cause fears to arise in the human heart. You can look ahead with promise, hope, and joy.                                                                                                -Billy Graham

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Choose Peace

When you walk into your job, home, business, someone else's home, let your presence be one of peace and not strife. And if someone's trying to bring you into the drama filled day or life, keep your peace by offering kind words. Kindly, Let them know that you are choosing to represent peace and love. #OnKingdomAssignment 

Quote My Life

A lonely day is God's way of saying that he wants to spend some quality time with you.”
Criss Jami

How Do You Treat Others?

 How should we treat others? God's Word is clear: we should treat others in the same way that we wish to be treated. This Golden Rule is easy to understand, but sometimes it can be difficult to live by.

     Because we are imperfect human beings , we are, on occasion, selfish, thoughtless, or cruel. But God commands us to behave otherwise. He teaches us to rise above our own imperfections  and treat others with unselfishness and love. When we observe God's Golden Rule, we help build His kingdom here on earth. And, when we share the love of Christ, we share a priceless gift; may we share it today and everyday that we live.

If my heart is right with God, every human being is my neighbor.
                                                                                           -Oswald Chambers
To treat others the way you would want to be treated, you would first have to know how you would like to be treated.                                                                              -Shera B.
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What do we gain by thinking negatively?!?!

Prayer Life

Is prayer an integral part of your daily life or is it a hit-or-miss habit? Do you "pray without ceasing," or is your prayer life an afterthought? Do you regularly pray in the solitude of the early morning darkness, or do you bow your head only when others are watching?

  The quality of your spiritual life will be in direct proportion to the quality of your prayer life. Today, instead of turning things over in your mind, turn them over to God in prayer . Instead of worrying about your next decision, ask God to lead the way. Don't limit your prayers to the dinner table or the bedside table. Pray constantly about things great or small. God is always listening; it's up to you to do the rest.

The Christian on his\her knees see more than the philosopher on tiptoe.
                                                                                     -D.L. Moody
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Quote My Life

I see Jesus in you and because of that I love you.
-Mother Teresa


Worship God
Open myself to God
Relinquish the false self and idols in my heart.
Share my life with others
Hear the word of God
Incarnate Christ's love for the world
Pray to God

-Spiritual Disciplines

Faith Without Works

Faith w/o works is like
going to the gym with the goal in mind to exercise but instead you stare at the equipment. Your muscles will not be become stronger until you put the work in.

God Has Not forgot about You.

God is not in heaven like: oh, snaps,  (your name here)  just woke up this morning and I dont have her\his blessings ready for today.

God has not and will not forget about you. God is so good, I can bet that you will experience blessings that you did even ask for.

God Never Hurries

As we travel the roads of life, all of us are confronted with streets that seem to be dead ends. When we do, we may become discouraged. After all, we live in a society where expectations can be high and demands even higher.

    If you find yourself enduring difficult circumstances, remember that God remains in His heaven. If you become discouraged with the direction of your day or your life, turn your thoughts and prayers to Him. He is a God of possibility, not negativity. He will guide you through your difficulties and beyond them. And then, with a renewed spirit of optimism and hope, you can thank the Giver of all things good for gifts that are simply too profound to fully understand and for treasures that are too numerous to count.

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God never hurries. There are no deadlines against which He must work. To know this is to quiet our spirits and relax our nerves.                                                     -A.W. Tozer

Quote My Life

My Life is My Message”
Mahatma Gandhi

Own Your Status

The Kill, Steal, Destroy Method.

The kill, steal, destroy method.

This is what John 10:Ten is referring to when it says " thief comes only in order to steal, kill, and destroy.  

-Cause the death of a person or another living thing
-To put an end to or cause to fail or defeat
-To overwhelm with an emotion

-Take without permission
-Move somewhere quietly

-Put an end to existence by damaging or attacking
-Ruin emotionally or spiritually

The enemy's only goal is to make sure you do not reach your God-given potential. He will try to stop you by causing death, make you feel defeated or overwhelmed, take from you (this can be materially or spiritually), isolate you from others (make you feel like no one cares about you or love you), attack you with a continuous round of fear, doubt and deception, until you are physically and mentally drained. Notice the attacks of the enemy by knowing your weakness and strengthening yourself in Jesus and God's Word. When the enemy tries to attack you in any of these areas, know that you are not fighting alone.  Seek God for guidance and with every attack made by the enemy you will feel his presence getting weaker and weaker.  #sowaseed