I am
Mommy of 2
Bible Teacher | Faith University Bible-study workshop
This is my influence.
In the beginning...... I have not always had a personal relationship with God. All I knew about God was Sunday morning church service, cute dresses, white church shoes and pantyhose (we called them stocking) that I could not wait to take off when church was over. I attended our family church with my mom and my two sisters. This was before the cool days of children’s church so for me church was B-O-R-I-N-G!!!! My memories of church are receiving the death stare or the secret pinch (that pinch that took your breath away and made tears form in your eyes) from my mom, grandmother and great-grandmother because my sisters and I were playing with each other during the sermon instead of paying attention. Or a gentle nudge from my mom because my sister and I had fallen asleep. I have some good memories also like when my Grandma Queen would sneak and give my sister and I peppermints and gum from her purse to keep us quiet and occupied. I learned how to sing “Yes, Jesus loves me!” and how to be the best at hunting for Easter eggs. I learned how to recite poems and speeches for the Easter and Christmas programs. I learned how to pray before I eat and went to bed at night. I was aware of God and sensed that God was important in my life. But why? It took a tragedy to lead me to discover the answer to this question.
On July 11, 1997 I witnessed the homicide of my mother at the age of 11. And this was the start of me questioning everything. If God loved me so much, then how could this happen? There was a time in my life were I blamed ruled my life. I blamed God, my mother's murderer, myself, my mother, my father, and anybody that I could. Why did my mother have to died? Why do I have to grow up without her? All I had was questions, blame and confusion. I did not know how to process the fact that my mom would longer be with me. But in my confusion I did not turn my back on God. I stilled sensed that He was important. But why? I still had not clue. But I started to have this feeling that I would find out way.
Entering my teenage years, Children’s church is now establish and going to church became trendy and wearing W.W.J.D (what would Jesus do) bracelets were cool. I still said my prayers before bed and grace before I ate. But my relationship with God was not yet personal, more cordial. It was like a- I see Jesus and wave hi so He would know that I’m present -in the distances type of relationship.
Years go by, I knew how to pray when I was in trouble or when I needed a blessing. I started to learn what God could do for me, but I was missing the piece of what I could do for Him.
Years later, and I meet my husband. I will never forget the moment when I saw him kneeling beside our bed. I thought to myself “maybe he’s looking for his shoe under the bed.” So I asked him “What are you doing?” He said, “ I ‘m praying, would you like to join?” Through his relationship with God. I was reminded of how I used to pray to God when I was a little girl. After that I started to seek God more.
My Fix me Jesus moment. I decide to give my life to Christ, one Sunday morning at church while the tears flow down my face after listening to I trust you by James Fortune. (No one told me it would get worst before it gets better) In 2009, God sat me down for what I call “My fix me Jesus" moment. I was fired from my job and unemployed for one whole year. During that time God supplied all of my family’s needs while He and I became more personal. Where I met God was in the living room of my 2 bed room apartment on my couch with my husband laying next to me. God had my full attention. In my daily routine. I would make sure my husband and two children were prepared for the day. Then I would surround myself with God’s word. I would have my Bible, colorful pens, and a composition notebook, yogurt and a chewy granola bar. I fell in love with the Word of God so much that I started to carry my Bible anywhere I went ( This is a routine that I still do to this day).
Through my fix me Jesus moment, I was able to reflect, grow and let go. I start to learn why God is so important. Through everything that I had been through I look back and see how God had protected and cared for me, that He had always been there even when I wasn’t. When I was the bored little church girl, to my W.W.J.D days, to placing my husband on my path that brought me back to Him. God has and continues to reveal to me the true definition of His unconditional love. He has shown me His character and taught me that I am created in His likeness and image. I’ve learned that I am an individualize expression of Him possessing unique talents and abilities that no one else has. And that I am clothe with righteousness, called to be an heir, an ambassador who’s purpose is to advance His kingdom while also influencing others to do the same.
Because of my experience with God I decided to start a ministry. I want to share God’s love with others and advance His kingdom. My personal goal for my ministry is to pour my life into others by encouraging them to overcome their personal obstacles and reach their God-given potential. To encourage you to become the person God has destine them to be.
I hope that by reading my testimony, it helps you to seek a deeper more personal relationship with God.
There’s no wrong way to seek God. If you are seeking Him, He will find you.
God's Word = Heir Status | We Are Royalty!
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