How Do You Treat Others?

 How should we treat others? God's Word is clear: we should treat others in the same way that we wish to be treated. This Golden Rule is easy to understand, but sometimes it can be difficult to live by.

     Because we are imperfect human beings , we are, on occasion, selfish, thoughtless, or cruel. But God commands us to behave otherwise. He teaches us to rise above our own imperfections  and treat others with unselfishness and love. When we observe God's Golden Rule, we help build His kingdom here on earth. And, when we share the love of Christ, we share a priceless gift; may we share it today and everyday that we live.

If my heart is right with God, every human being is my neighbor.
                                                                                           -Oswald Chambers
To treat others the way you would want to be treated, you would first have to know how you would like to be treated.                                                                              -Shera B.
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