The Target: Your Mind

Satan questioned God’s word 
2 Corinthians 11: Three makes it clear that Satan’s target was Eve’s mind and that his weapon was deception.

By questioning what God said, Satan raised doubts in Eve’s mind concerning the truthfulness of God’s word and the goodness of God’s heart. “Do you really mean that you can’t eat from every tree?” was the import of the subtle question. “If God really loved you, He would be much more generous. He’s holding out on you!” Satan wanted Eve to forget that God had told Adam (who had told her) that they could eat freely of the trees of the garden. For their own good, there was a prohibition: They didn’t dare eat from the forbidden tree in the middle of the garden (Gen. 2:15-17 ).

Eve’s reply showed that she was following Satan’s example and altering the very Word of God. Compare 3:2-3 with 2:16-17 and you’ll see that she omitted the word “freely,” added the phrase “nor shall you touch it” (nkjv), and failed to say that God “commanded” them to obey. Note too that Eve copied the Devil further when she spoke of “God” (Elohim) and not “the Lord [Jehovah] God,” the God of the covenant. Finally, she said “lest you die”–a possibility–instead of “You shall surely die”–an actuality. So, she took from God’s Word, added to God’s Word, and changed God’s Word, which are serious offenses indeed (Deut. 4:Two; 12:Thity-two; Prov. 30:Six; Rev. 22:Nineteen). She was starting to doubt God’s goodness and truthfulness.

-Warren Wiersbe

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