What We believe & How We Behave

Face facts: this world is inhabited by quite a few people who are very determined to do bad things. The devil and his human helpers are working 24/7 to cause pain and heartbreak in every corner of the globe.....including your corner. So you'd better beware.

Your job, if you choose to accept it, is to recognize bad behavior and fight it. How? By standing up for your beliefs, that's how!

The moment that you decide to fight mischief whenever you see it, you can no longer be a lukewarm, half hearted Christian. And, when you are no longer a lukewarm Christian, God rejoices (and the devil doesn't)

So stand up for your beliefs. And remember this: in the battle of good versus evil, the devil never takes a day off...... and neither should you.

Reflect On This:
He does not believe who does not live according to his beliefs.   -Thomas Fuller

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