Lifetime Learning

Whether you're fifteen or a hundred and fifteen, you've still got lots to learn. Even if you're a very wise person, God isn't finished with you yet. Why? Because lifetime learning is part of God's plan and He certainly hasn't finished teaching you some very important lessons.

Do you seek to live a life of righteousness and wisdom? If so, you must continue to study the ultimate source of wisdom: the Word of God. You must associate, day in and day out, with godly men and women. And, you must act in accordance with your beliefs. When you study God's Word and live according to His commandments, you will become wise....and you will be a blessing to your friends, to your family, and to the world.

Reflect On This:
True learning can take place at every age of life, and it doesn't have to be in the curriculum plan.
-Suzanne Dale Ezell

What We believe & How We Behave

Face facts: this world is inhabited by quite a few people who are very determined to do bad things. The devil and his human helpers are working 24/7 to cause pain and heartbreak in every corner of the globe.....including your corner. So you'd better beware.

Your job, if you choose to accept it, is to recognize bad behavior and fight it. How? By standing up for your beliefs, that's how!

The moment that you decide to fight mischief whenever you see it, you can no longer be a lukewarm, half hearted Christian. And, when you are no longer a lukewarm Christian, God rejoices (and the devil doesn't)

So stand up for your beliefs. And remember this: in the battle of good versus evil, the devil never takes a day off...... and neither should you.

Reflect On This:
He does not believe who does not live according to his beliefs.   -Thomas Fuller

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The Art of Godly Acceptance

Sometimes, we must accept life on its terms, not our own. Life has a way of unfolding, not as we will, but as it will.
When events transpire that are beyond our control, we have a choice: we can either learn the art of acceptance, or we can make ourselves miserable as we struggle to change the unchangeable.

We must entrust the things we cannot change to God. Once we have done so, we can prayerfully and faithfully tackle the important work that He has placed before us: the things we can change.

Reflect On This:
Our Lord never asks us to decide for Him; He asks us to yield to Him-a very different matter.
-Oswald Chambers

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Ways To Defeat The Devil - Joyce Meyer

Treasure in Clay Jars

Paul writes: "We have this treasure in earthen vessels that all surpassing power is from God and not from us." "Jars of clay" refers to cups, bowls, pots, etc. and what really matters is what's in them. A vessel may be chipped and flawed, but once it's washed and cleaned it can be used again. So don't quit because someone discovered you're a jar of clay with chips and flaws. There's a cry from Jericho road nobody except you may ever hear. Some dying thief will be saved if you'll just keep preaching through your pain, because the message that saves others is the one that saves us too. Accepting the fallen is the strength- not a weakness- of the Gospel. There's a world of difference between the coldness of a rebellious heart and the cry of a troubled heart that says, "God save me from myself." One glimpse of God's grace brings all of us to our knees confessing and forsaking sin, "bringing into captivity every thought of the obedience of Christ" (2 Corinthians 10:Five) One pastors writes: "People listen to our one-sided testimonies of success and become discouraged. They think that while they struggle, we have it all together. That's because we falsified the records and failed to tell the whole truth. God help us! Our message is we were saved by grace, we are being saved by grace, and we will be saved by grace. "If need be, go 'down into the Potter's house and let Him put you back on the wheel and remake you - but don't  quit.

My little note to heaven, Momma it's your birthday!!

Momma, it's your birthday! Happy birthday momma!!!

Today you would have been 50 years old. I can only imagine preparing a par-ty for you were you are surround by those who love and cherish you. Your grandchildren presenting you with  gifts as you smile and hug and kiss them. While you  take over the dance floor with a huge smile on your face as you dance the night away.  I would have loved to see the woman you would have become. Sharing this day with you would have been amazing.

Renewal Day by Day

Each day, we should spend time alone with God. But the demands of everyday living often conspire to rob us of those precious moments with our Creator. The cycle is predictable: we become so busy with the inevitable distractions of life that we fail to carve out quiet moments with our Creator. And when we do, we suffer because of our misuse of time.

We live in a world filled to overflowing with distractions, temptations, frustrations, and obligations.  Our need for God is great. We must consult Him often, and we should consult Him in solitude. No time is more valuable than the quiet time we spend with God.

Reflect On This:
Walking with God leads to receiving his intimate counsel, and counseling leads to deep restoration.
                                                                                                          -John Eldredge
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Prayerful Patience

Lamentations 3:25-26 reminds us that it is good to wait quietly for God. But for most of us, waiting patiently for Him is difficult. Why? Because we are fallible human beings with a long list of earthly desires and a definite timetable for obtaining them.

The next time you find yourself impatiently waiting for God to reveal Himself, remember that the world unfolds according to His timetable, not ours.
Sometimes, we must wait, and when we do, we should do so quietly and patiently. And, as we consider God's love for us and the perfection of His plans, we can be comforted in the certain knowledge that His timing is perfect, even if our patience is not.

Reflect On This:
Patience means waiting for God faithfully, hopefully, and prayerfully, But patience also means being willing to accept God's timetable, not our own.                    -Marie T. Freeman

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Your Help is Here!!!

Grow Up

Grow up toward the things of God. Grow up towards your calling and purpose. Grow up to receive all of the promises God has for you. Whatever you do, never stop growing up.

Satan Loves To Attack Your Mind by Joyce Meyer

Be Humble, Sit Down

Sometimes our faith is tested more by prosperity than by adversity. Why? Because in times of plenty, we are tempted to stick out our chests and say, " I did that." But nothing could be further from the truth. All of our blessings start and end with God; whatever "it" is, He did it. And He deserves the credit.

Who are the greatest among us? Are they the proud and the powerful? Hardly. The greatest among us are the humble servants who care less for their own glory and more for God's glory. If we seek greatness in God's eyes, we must forever praise His good works, not our own.

Reflect On This:
Nothing sets a person so much out of the devil's reach as humility.          -Jonathan Edwards

Based On Faith

And Abram believed the LORD, and the LORD counted him as righteous because of his faith.
Genesis 15:Six

Although Abram had been demonstrating his faith through his actions, it was his belief in the Lord, not his actions, that made Abram right with God. We, too, can have a right relationship with God by trusting him. Our outward actions-church attendance, prayer, good deeds-will not by themselves make us right with God. A right relationship is based on faith--the heartfelt inner confidence that God is who he says he is and does what he says he will do. Right actions will follow naturally as by-products.

You are an Individualized Expression.

Alone With God

As you organize your day and your life, where does God fit in? Do you "squeeze Him in" on Sundays and at mealtimes? Or do you consult Him more oftent than that?

Heir-votionals asks that you give your undivided attention to God for at least two minutes each day. And make no mistake about it: the emphasis in the previous sentence should be placed on the words "at least". In truth, you should give God lots more time than a couple of minutes a day, but hey, it's a start.

Even if you're the busiest person on the planet, you can still carve out a little time for God. And when you think about it, isn't that the very least you should do?

Reflect on This:
The moment you wake up  each morning, all your wishes and hopes for the day rush at you like wild animals. And the first job each morning consists in shoving it all back; in listening to that other voice, taking that other point of view, letting that other, larger, stronger, quieter life coming flowing in.
-C.S Lewis

How Important Are Material Possession?

How important are your material possessions? Not as important as you might think. In the life of a committed Christian, material possession should play a rather small role. In fact, when we become overly enamored with the things we own, we needlessly distance ourselves from the peace that God offers to those who place Him at the center of their lives.

Of course, we all need the basic necessities of life, but once we meet those needs for ourselves and for our families, the piling up of possessions creates more problems than it solves. Our real riches, of course, are not of this world. We are never really rich until we are rich in spirit.

Do you find yourself wrapped up in the concerns of the material world? If so, it's time to reorder your priorities by turning your thoughts and your prayers to more important matters. And it's time to begin storing up riches that will endure throughout eternity: the spiritual kind.

Either Anger or Peace

Beyond Anger

Anger is either your master or your servant. Either you control it, or it control you. And the extent to which you allow anger to rule your life will determine, to a surprising extent, the quality of your relationships with others and your relationship with God.

Anger and peace cannot coexist in the same mind. If you allow yourself to be chronically angry, you will forfeit the peace that might otherwise be yours through Christ. So obey God's Word by turning away from anger. You will be glad you did, and so will your family and friends.

Reflect on This:
Anger is the noise of the soul; the unseen irritant of the heart; the relentless invader of silence.
                                                                                                                      -Max Lucado

Which will it be?

You're Crowning

God will give it to you, if He can get it through you. The point of God blessing you is so you can be a blessing to others. You are getting ready to birth amazing things. Truth induces labor. Truth induces change. You're crowning into your destiny. #heir

The Wisdom of Moderation

Moderation and wisdom are traveling companions. If we are wise, we must learn to temper our appetites, our desires, and our impulses. When we do, we are blessed, in part, because God has created a world in which temperance is rewarded and intemperance is inevitably punished.

Would you like to improve your life? Then harness your appetites and restrain your impulses. Moderation is difficult, of course; it is especially difficult in a prosperous society such as ours. But the rewards of moderation are numerous and long-lasting. Claim those rewards today.

No one can force you to moderate your appetites. The decision to live temperately (and wisely) is yours and your alone. And so are the consequences.

Reflect on This:
To many, total abstinence is easier than perfect moderation. -Augustine of Hippo

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Praise & Criticism

Rick Warren observed, "Those who follow the crowd usually get lost in it" We know those words to be true, but oftentimes we fail to live by them. Instead of trusting God for guidance, we imitate our friends and suffer the consequences. Instead of seeking to please our father in heaven, we strive to please our peers, with decidedly mixed results. Instead of doing the right thing, we do the "easy" thing or what's "popular". And when we do, we pay the price.

Would you like a time-tested formula for successful living? Here is a simple formula that is proven and true: don't give in to peer pressure. Period.

Instead of getting lost in the crowd, you should find guidance from God. Does this sound too simple? Perhaps it is simple, but it is also the only way to reap  all the marvelous riches that God has in store for you.

Reflect on This:
 Get ready for God to show you not only His pleasure, but His approval. -Joni Eareckson Tada

God loves you for who you are

When I think about this I think about sacrifice. I think about a love that requires us not to do anything but show up and be present to receive. This type of love can be scary especially if we are not use to it. But when we understand the sacrificial love, we know that there is no other love like it. What a beautiful thing to be loved for who you are and not for what you do.
-To love the way God loves it takes a commitment, patience, grace and sacrifice.

True love will always pass the test.

Spiritual Maturity, Day by Day

The path to spiritual maturity unfolds day by day. Each day offers the opportunity to worship God, to ignore God, or rebel against God. When we worship Him with our prayers, our words, our thoughts, and our actions, we are blessed by the richness of our relationship with the Father. But if we ignore God altogether or intentionally rebel against His commandments, we rob ourselves of His blessings.

Today offers yet another opportunity for spiritual growth. If you choose you can seize that opportunity by obeying God's Word, by seeking His will, and by walking with His Son.

Reflect On This:
God's goal is that we move toward maturity- all our past failures and faults notwithstanding.
-Charles Swindoll

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Hidden Treasure in God's Word

God's Word contains incredible hidden treasures, powerful life-giving secrets that God wants to reveal to us and through us. Luke 12:Two confirms that whatever is hidden will be revealed. How does this happen?  The treasures of God's Word are given to those who meditate, ponder, study, think about, mentally practice and speak the Word of God.

As a teacher of God's Word, I know personally the truth of this principle. It seems there is no end to what God can show me out of one verse from His Word. I will study it one time and gain an understanding, and later I will see something new that I did not notice before.

The Lord reveals His secrets to those who are diligent to study and meditate on the Word. I repeat, the Lord reveals His secrets to those who are diligent to study and meditate on the Word.  Do not be the person who lives off of someone else's revelation. Study the Word for yourself and allow the Holy Spirit to bless your life with truth. Love God's Word and give it a place of priority in your daily life, and you will walk in wisdom and power.

Meditating on God's Word is one of the most important things that you and I can learn to do. As you go about your daily life, ask the Holy Spirit to remind you of certain scriptures so you can meditate on them. You will be amazed at how much power will be released into your life from this practice. The more you can readily draw upon its strength in times of trouble. Remember: the power to do the Word comes from the practice of meditating on it ( Joshua 1:Eight)

God's Word = Heir Status


Don't just read it, receive it.