Why I Created Shera Bush Ministries

I created Shera Bush Ministries because I wanted to share my faith in Jesus Christ with others. Even thought, I have known God all of my life, my relationship with Him did not become personal until 2009. During that time, God sit me down in what I called my "fix me Jesus moment". He let me know that my church attendance was cute but my external worship of Him had an expiration date. It was time for me to learn how I'm made in His likeness and image). This was the start of our personal relationship.  I am not talking about the passed down through the generations great-grandmother, Sunday and Wednesday only church attendance, only pick up my bible when I'm in trouble relationship.( By the way, I am guilty of all of these) but a intimate, personal, one on one, God is enough, seek His face only relationship. And because of this revelation and my new found relationship,  I wanted to share this experience with others. So I used my face book profile to  share God's Word  and encourage others. Through this, I started  to understand my calling. Naturally, I am leader and a teacher.  ( something I have been gifted with every since I was a child). And studying and sharing God's Word is something that I really enjoy doing. I learned my purpose, to share and teach His Word in a unique way using art and fashion.

I started my first ministry idea in 2013 called Word|Heir but the struggle to make it a personal experience prove challenging and explaining it to people (they would think I was saying "air" instead of "heir") became hassle. So  I changed the name to Shera Bush Ministries to give it a personal vibe. The name change was important because I was no longer thinking of it as an entity outside of myself. I could now share my personal experiences (struggles, trails and victories  ) to help others have a  deeper understanding of God. This has allowed me to be honest about my walk with God. It has given me a space to be open, transparent and vulnerable, allowing myself to heal from the wounds of life's trauma's and drama's. The choice to make it personal directed my destiny.

My hope is that through my life story and experiences, I  can encourage you to know that no matter what your situation is, all things work together for the good of them that love the Lord (Romans 8:Twenty-eight) My goal for my ministry is to share God's Word and biblical principles in a unique way sowing seeds of faith and healing into the life of others.  My influence is that as you follow me, I able to encourage you to establish your own personal intimate relationship with God, become character conscious (self-awareness), and reach your greatest potential. While also influencing others to do the same.

My Mission: One crown at a time.

My kingdom: God's

My Status: an Heir

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