Think Now, Act Later

Are you, at times, just a little bit impulsive? Do you sometimes fail to look before you leap? If so, God wants to have a little chat with you.

God's Word is clear: as believers, we are called to lead lives of discipline, diligence, moderation, and maturity. But the world often tempts us to behave otherwise. Everywhere we turn, or so it seems, we are faced with powerful temptations to behave in undisciplined, ungodly ways.

God's Word instructs us to be disciplined in our thoughts and our actions; God's Word warns us against the dangers of impulsive behavior. As believers in a just God, we should act and react accordingly.

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We will always experience regret when we live for the moment and do not weigh our words and deeds before we give them life.                                         -Lisa Bevere

Shining Your Light

Whether we like it or not, we are role models. Hopefully, the lives we lead and the choices we make will serve as enduring examples of the spiritual abundance that is available to all who worship God and obey His commandments.

Ask yourself this question: Are you the kind of role model that you would want to emulate? If  so, congrats, But if certain aspects of your behavior could stand improvement regimen is this one. Because whether you realize it or not, people you love are watching your behavior, and they're leaning how to live. You owe to them----and to yourself---to live righteously and well.

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Problem-solving 101

Life is an exercise in problem-solving. The question is not whether we will encounter problems; the real question is how we will choose to address them. When it comes to solving the problems of everyday living, we often know precisely what needs to be done, but we may be slow in doing it -- especially if what needs to be done is difficult or uncomfortable for us. So we put off till tomorrow what should be done today.

The words of Psalm 34  reminds us that the Lord solves problems for "people  who do what is right." And usually, doing "what is right" means doing the uncomfortable work of confronting our problems sooner rather that later. So with no further ado, let the problem-solving begin.... now.

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Faith does not eliminate problems. Faith keeps you in a trusting relationship with God in the midst of your problems.                                           -Henry Blackaby

A Perfect Timetable

Upon this we can trust: God's sense of timing is without error. God's timing may not coincide with our timing---which by the way, is perfectly fine with God because He knows precisely what He's doing, even if we do not.

Perhaps you are impatient for God to reveal His plans for your life. If so, it is time to reread the third chapter of Ecclesiastes. Solomon's words will remind you that there is a time for every purpose under God's heaven ---and that includes your purpose.

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Will not the Lord's time be better than your time?     -C.H Spurgeon

Your times are in His hands. He's in charge of the timetable, so wait patiently.     -Kay Arthur

Refuse to Compromise Your Crown

We must determine in our hearts that we will have a godly character. We must refuse to be influenced by the world and not conform to a lower standard.

The book of Daniel is filled with examples of what I call " refusing to compromise the crown moments". Over and over again Daniel and his friends were place in situations were they had to stand strong in their faith and what they believed in. Their faith was tested on many levels but they refused to be frighten or intimidated out of their faith in God. Even at the risk of losing their lives. They refuse to bow down and worship a lower standard. They refuse to conform to an image of what others thought they should be. They refuse to do what everybody else was doing. Every time they stood strong for God, God showed up and stood strong with them.

Refuse to conform to a lower standard of what society tells you you should be. Refuse to conform to  what your people think of you. Refuse to compromise your crown by standing strong in God and what He says about you. It's not you that they are going against. It's what you represent. Let God use you as an example of what it's like to walk with Him.  

Adjusting your crown is better than losing it. #Sowaseed

Righteousness is not Perfection but Honesty

When God made you, He equipped you with an array of talents and abilities that are uniquely yours. It's up to you to discover those talents and to use them, but sometimes your own perfectionism may get in the way.

If you're own worst critic, give it up. After all, God doesn't expect you to be perfect, and if that's okay with Him, then it should be okay with you, too.

When you accepted Christ as your Savior, God accepted you for all eternity. Now, it's your turn to accept yourself. When you do, you'll feel a tremendous weight being lifted from your shoulders. And that's as it should be. After all, only one earthly being ever lived life to perfection, and He was the Son of God. The rest of us have fallen short of God's standard and need to be accepting of our own limitations as well as the limitations of others.

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Apart from the World

Practically everything that goes on in the world --wanting your own way, wanting everything for yourself, wanting to appear important---has nothing to do with the Father. It just isolates you from him. The world and all it's wanting, wanting, wanting is on the way out--but whoever does what God wants is set for eternity.            
1 John 2: Seventeen

We live in the world, but we must not worship it. Our duty is to place God first and everything else second. But because we are fallible beings with imperfect faith, placing God in His rightful place is often difficult. In fact, at every turn, or so it seems, we are tempted to do otherwise.

The 21st Century world is noisy, distracting place filled with countless opportunities to stray from God's will. The world seems to cry, "Worship me with your time, your money, your energy, and your thoughts!" But God commands otherwise: He commands us to worship Him and Him alone; everything else must be secondary.

Your Faith Gives You Access

Finding Your Way

Proverbs 3:Six makes this promise: if you acknowledge God's sovereignty over every aspect of your life, He will guide your path. And, as prayerfully consider the path that God intends for you to take, here are things you should do:

You should study His Word and be ever watchful for His signs
You should associate with fellow believers who will encourage your spiritual growth. 
You should listen carefully to that inner voice that speaks to you in the quiet moments of your daily devotionals. 

And, as you continually seek God's unfolding purpose for your life, you should be patient. Your heavenly fathers may not always reveal himself as quickly as you would like. But rest assured: God is here, and He intends to use you in wonderful, unexpected ways. He desires to lead you along a path of His choosing. Your challenge is to watch, to listen, to learn .......and to follow.

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There is a path before you that you alone can walk. There is a purpose that you alone can fulfill.
-Karla Dornacher

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Encouraging Words

Life is a team sport, and all of us need occasional pats on the back from our teammates.  As Christians, we are called upon to spread the Good News of Christ, and we are also called to spread a message of encouragement and hope to the world.

Whether you realize it or not, many people with whom you come in contact every day are in desperate need of a smile or an encouraging word. The world can be a difficult place, and countless friends and family members may be troubled by the challenges of everyday life. Since you don't always know who needs your help, the best strategy is to try to encourage all the people who cross your path. So today, be a world-class source of encouragement to everyone you meet. Never has the need been greater.

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Happiness is to be found only in the home where God is loved and honored, where each one loves and helps and cares for the others.                                          -Theophane Venard

The Search for Truth

The words of John 8:Thirty-two are both familiar and profound: the truth, indeed, will make you free. Truth is God's way: He commands His children to live in truth, and He rewards those who follow His commandment. Jesus is the personification of a perfect, liberating truth that offers salvation to mankind.

Do you seek to walk with God? Do you seek to feel God's peace? Then you must walk in truth, and you must walk with the Savior. There is simply no other way.

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I would rather know the truth than be happy in ignorance. If I cannot have both truth and happiness, give me truth. We'll have a long time to be happy in heaven.           -A.W. Tozer

When We Do Our Part, God Does His

Life can be challenging, but fear not. God loves you, and He will protect you. In times of trouble, He will comfort you; in times of sorrow, He will dry your tears. When you are troubled, or weak, or sorrowful, God is as near as your next breath. Build your life on the rock that cannot be shaken....
trust in God.

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Let us work as if success depends on us alone, but with heartfelt conviction that we are doing nothing and God everything.                                                                                              -Ignatius Loyola

You will feel that He must rule and control each day. All of life and conversation must be in the Spirit. My prayer, my faith, my fellowship with the Father, and all my work in God's service, must be completely under His sway. As the Spirit of Holiness, He is the Spirit of  my sanctification.
                                                                                                                    -Andrew Murray

Quote My Life

“Faith is like radar that sees through the fog -- the reality of things at a distance that the human eye cannot see.”
Corrie ten Boom

Beyond Stubbornness

Since the day of Adam and Eve, human beings have been strong-willed and rebellious. Our rebellion stems, in large part, from an intense desire to do things "our way" instead of God's way." But when we pridefully choose to forsake God's path for our lives, we do ourselves a sincere injustice...and we are penalized because of our stubbornness.

God's Word warns us to be humble, not prideful. God instructs us to be obedient, not rebellious. God wants us to do things His way. When we do, we reap a bountiful harvest of blessings ---more blessings than we can count. But when we pridefully rebel against our Creator, we sow the seeds of our own destruction, and we reap a sad, sparse, bitter harvest. May we sow --and reap ---accordingly.

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God uses broken things: broken soil and broken clouds to produce grain; broken grain to produce bread; broken bread to feed our bodies. He wants our stubbornness broken into humble obedience.

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Are You Asking?!?!?

How often do you ask for God's help? Occasionally? Intermittently? Whenever you experience a crisis? Hopefully, not. Hopefully, you have developed the habit of asking for God's assistance early and often. And hopefully, you have learned to seek His guidance in every aspect of your life.

God has promised that when you ask for His help, He will not withhold it. So ask. Ask Him to meet the needs of your day. Ask Him for wisdom. Ask Him to lead you, to protect you, and to correct you. And trust the answers He gives.

God stands at the door and waits. When you knock on His door, He answers. Your task, of course, is to seek His guidance prayerfully, confidently, and often.

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We must pray without tiring, for the salvation of mankind does not depend upon material success...but on Jesus alone.                                                 -Frances Xavier Cabrini

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Beware of the Crown Takers

They're  people who have lost their crown and their only interest in you is to make you lose yours too. They serve no beneficial purpose to anyone other than themselves. They are full of strife life. They are insecure, gossipy, negative, complaining, peace and joy stealer's with petty agendas. Their main purpose is to distract you from God's kingdom and the purpose He has for you. They are the people who see you prospering only to remind you of who you use to be. They are the people who notices everything that's wrong with your crown, but are not  willing to help you fix it. They are crown takers ( Yes, people close to you can be crown takers, too). Their goal is to take your crown because as long as you are wearing it, you are a reminder possible potential. A reflection of God's glory and favor. Your crown is worth protecting.  

We Are Royalty

Being Chosen

Being chosen is not glamorous. It comes with great responsibility.  It is not one were your head is held high looking down on others. It is were your hands are held out lifting others up. Being chosen is not running from problems. It's choosing to walk towards them. #Jesustaughtme

Quote My life

It's hard to be selfish when love is knocking at your door.

The Futility of Foolish Arguments

Arguments are seldom won but often lost. When we engage in petty squabbles, our loss usually outpace our gains. When we acquire the unfortunate habit of habitual bickering, we do harm to our friends, to our families, to our coworkers, and to ourselves.

Time and again, God's Word warns us that most arguments are a monumental waste of time, of energy, of life. In Titus, we are warned to refrain from "foolish arguments," and with good reason. such arguments usually do more for the devil than they do for God.

So the next time you're tempted to engage in a silly squabble, whether inside the church or outside it, refrain. When you do , you'll put a smile on God's face, and you'll send the devil packing.

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Some fights are lost even thought we win. A bulldog can whip a skunk, but it just isn't worth it.
                                                                                                                -Vance Havner

Guided by Honesty

Charles Swindoll correctly observed, "Nothing speaks louder or more powerfully than a life of integrity."

Integrity is built slowly over a lifetime. It is a precious thing-- difficult to build but easy to tear down. As believer in Christ, we must seek to live each day with discipline, honesty, and faith. When we do, at least two things happen: integrity becomes a habit, and God blesses us because of our obedience to Him.

Living a life of integrity isn't always the easiest way, but it is always right way. And God clearly intends that it should be our way too.

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God never called us to naivete. He called us to integrity.... The Bible concept of integrity emphasizes mature innocence not childlike ignorance.                            -Beth Moore

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You don't have to earn what has already been given to you.

Bae ain't bae if bae don't know the Lord

The Only Way to Live

Privilege By Faith

Are you passionate about your faith and excited about your path? Hopefully so, But if your zest for life has waned, it is now time to redirect your efforts and recharge your spiritual batteries. And that means refocusing your priorities by putting God first.

Nothing is more important than your wholehearted commitment to your Creator and to His only begotten Son. Your faith must never be an afterthought; it must be your ultimate priority, your ultimate possession, and your ultimate passion.

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One can  never consent to creep when one feels an impulse to soar.  -Helen Keller

Quote My Life

Never be afraid to try something new. Remember, amateurs built the ark. Professionals built the Titanic.


When will you be "fully-grown" Christian? Hopefully never--or at least not until you arrive in heaven! As a believer living here on planet earth, you're never "fully-grown"; you always  have the potential to keep growing.

In those quiet moments when you open your heart to God, the One who made you keeps remaking you. He gives you direction, perspective, wisdom, and courage.

Would you like a time-tested formula for spiritual growth? Here it is: keep studying  God's Word, keep obeying His commandments, keep praying (and listening for answers), and keep trying to live in the center of God's will. When you do, you'll never stay stuck for long. You will, instead, be growing Christian ....and that's precisely the kind of Christian God wants you to be.

Quote My Life

The most beautiful things in the world cannot be seen or touched, they are felt with the heart.”
Antoine de Saint-Exupéry,

Only Faith Guarantees Success

Money can't do it
Skills and talent can't do it
Material Wealth can't do it 
Situations and circumstances can't do it
Only faith can.
Your faith is the only thing you can trust.
It doesn't change

Contagious Christianity

Genuine, heartfelt Christianity is contagious. If you enjoy a life-altering relationship with God, that relationship will have an impact on others--perhaps a profound impact.

Are you genuinely excited about your faith? And do you make your enthusiasm known to those around you? Or are you a "silent ambassador" for Christ? God's preference is clear: He intends that you stand before others and proclaim your faith.

Does Christ reign over you life? Then share your testimony and your excitement.  The world needs both.

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In their heart of hearts, I think all true followers of Christ long to become contagious Christians. Though unsure about how to do so or the risk involved, deep down they sense that there isn't anything as rewarding as opening a person up to God's love and truth.
                                                                                                                   -Bill Hybels

Why I Created Shera Bush Ministries

I created Shera Bush Ministries because I wanted to share my faith in Jesus Christ with others. Even thought, I have known God all of my life, my relationship with Him did not become personal until 2009. During that time, God sit me down in what I called my "fix me Jesus moment". He let me know that my church attendance was cute but my external worship of Him had an expiration date. It was time for me to learn how I'm made in His likeness and image). This was the start of our personal relationship.  I am not talking about the passed down through the generations great-grandmother, Sunday and Wednesday only church attendance, only pick up my bible when I'm in trouble relationship.( By the way, I am guilty of all of these) but a intimate, personal, one on one, God is enough, seek His face only relationship. And because of this revelation and my new found relationship,  I wanted to share this experience with others. So I used my face book profile to  share God's Word  and encourage others. Through this, I started  to understand my calling. Naturally, I am leader and a teacher.  ( something I have been gifted with every since I was a child). And studying and sharing God's Word is something that I really enjoy doing. I learned my purpose, to share and teach His Word in a unique way using art and fashion.

I started my first ministry idea in 2013 called Word|Heir but the struggle to make it a personal experience prove challenging and explaining it to people (they would think I was saying "air" instead of "heir") became hassle. So  I changed the name to Shera Bush Ministries to give it a personal vibe. The name change was important because I was no longer thinking of it as an entity outside of myself. I could now share my personal experiences (struggles, trails and victories  ) to help others have a  deeper understanding of God. This has allowed me to be honest about my walk with God. It has given me a space to be open, transparent and vulnerable, allowing myself to heal from the wounds of life's trauma's and drama's. The choice to make it personal directed my destiny.

My hope is that through my life story and experiences, I  can encourage you to know that no matter what your situation is, all things work together for the good of them that love the Lord (Romans 8:Twenty-eight) My goal for my ministry is to share God's Word and biblical principles in a unique way sowing seeds of faith and healing into the life of others.  My influence is that as you follow me, I able to encourage you to establish your own personal intimate relationship with God, become character conscious (self-awareness), and reach your greatest potential. While also influencing others to do the same.

My Mission: One crown at a time.

My kingdom: God's

My Status: an Heir

Quote My Life

"Past emotions do not deserve our present moments."

Faith Above Feelings

Hebrews 10:Thirty-eight teaches that we should live by faith. Yet sometimes, despite our best intentions, negative feelings can rob us of the peace and abundance that would otherwise be ours through Christ. When anger or anxiety separates us from the spiritual blessings that God has in store, we must rethink our priorities and renew our faith. And we must place faith above feelings. Human emotions are highly variable, decidedly unpredictable, and often unreliable. Our emotions are like the weather, only far more fickle. So we must learn to live by faith, not the ups and downs of our own emotional roller coasters.

  Sometimes during this day, you will probably be gripped by a strong negative emotion. Distrust it. Reign it in. Test it. And turn it over to God. Your emotions will inevitably change; God will not. So trust Him completely as you watch your feelings slowly evaporate into thin air --which, of course, they will.

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We are to live by faith, not feelings.     -Kay Arthur

The way God has my life set up!!

Love what make you unique

Just in case you were wondering.....

Quote My Life

Your Crown has been bought and paid for. Put it on your head and wear it. - Dr. Maya Angelou

Romans 8:16-Seventeen

Quote My Life

“The only true wisdom is in knowing you know nothing.”

Finding Purpose through Service

The words of Jesus are clear: the most esteemed men and women in this world are not the big-shots who jump up on stage and hog the spotlight; the greatest among us are those who are willing to become humble servants.

Are you willing to become a servant for Christ? Are you willing to pitch in and make the world a better place, or are you determined to keep all your blessings to yourself? Hopefully, you are determined to follow Christ's example by making yourself an unselfish servant to those who need your help.

Today, you may be tempted to take more than you give. But if you feel the urge to be selfish, resist that urge with all your might. Don't be stingy, selfish, or self-absorbed. Instead, serve your friends quietly and without fanfare. Find a need and fill it.... humbly. Lend a helping hand....anonymously. Share a word of kindness...with quiet sincerity. As you go about your daily activities, remember that the Savior of all humanity made Himself a servant, and we, as followers, must do no less.

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Don't Forget to Cross your Heart

Then Jesus said to his disciples, “Whoever wants to be my disciple must deny themselves and take up their cross and follow me. For whoever wants to save their life will lose it, but whoever loses their life for me will find it.

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God-Made & Christ-Saved

The words from Proverbs 11 reminds us that pride and destruction are traveling partners.  But a imperfect human beings, we are tempted to puff our chests and crow about our own accomplishments. When we do so, we delude ourselves.

  As Christians, we have a profound reason to be humble: We have been refashioned and saved by Jesus Christ, and that salvation came not because of our own good works, but because of God's grace. Thus, we are not "self-made," we are "God-made." and "Christ-saved." How, then can we be boastful? The answer, of course, is simple: if we are honest with ourselves and with our God, we cannot be boastful. In the quiet moments, when we search the depths of our own hearts, we know that whatever "it" is, God did that. And He deserves the credit.

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The Lord sends no one away empty except those who are full of themselves. -D.L Moody

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