Do you need help with understanding The Word of God?
This is the tool that I use to study the Bible. It helps me breakdown God's Word as I seek wisdom and understanding.
Before I start my personal bible study, I pray for God to give me spiritual insight and understanding of His Word so I can apply it to my life. Below is each step I use to make this happen..
Write it | Obtain it | Retain it | Declare it
Write it
1st I use a Bible study journal sheet. I start by writing down the scripture I’ve been lead to study on this sheet. For me, there's something about writing things down that makes the experience personal.
Obtain it
2nd I study to obtain, the goal here is to seek a better understanding of God’s Word by studying it and meditate on His Word. I connect with the text by studying commentaries, listening to different sermons, study different versions of the Bible. (NIV. AMP, NKJ) I’ve also been inspired by nature, movies, conversations, and stories.( I do not limit how I can receive revelation. I am open to the process) I then allow the Holy Spirit to give me revelation on the scripture I’m studying. For my note-taking process, I use highlighters, colored pens, and makers while I take my notes.
Retain It
After God has given me revelation on what I have studied. As a reminder, write the scripture and wisdom I received on note cards, sticky notes, or in my Bible. If I use note cards or sticky notes I place them somewhere I can see them every day. I sometimes set alarm reminders in my phone with the revelation attached to it. I use this process to remember what I’ve studied.
My goal is to study God’s Word but more importantly apply God's Word to my life.
Declare It
Lastly, my favorite part, to speak, claim, apply and share what I have studied.
Goal: To become a doer of God’s Word.
James 1:Twenty-two
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