GOD, I HATE THIS!! I'm Turning Around

Have you ever been tempted to complain against what God is doing in you and through you. Complaining and  negative convo's can make us miss out on what God has for us.

The Israelites spent a great deal of time complaining about their hardships as they travel through the wilderness on their way to the Promise Land. Our attitudes and behaviors that we display in times of hardships (difficult situations) in our wilderness experiences is a determining factor in how long we stay there. When we complain instead of praise, we don't make the progress that is needed in our lives.

Not only did they complain, they also mention from time to time going back to Egypt (the land of their bondage) They made the mistake of being negative people with them (Some of the Egyptians) who remind them of the past times. They started to how a lot of "remember when" conversations which made them look back instead of looking forward. Those negative people were not focus on the Promise Land or the promises of God. They didn't even believe in Him. And this was how the Israelites were tempted into complaining and speaking negatively towards Moses. They had taken for granted the fact the God had provided them with manna. And in their act of wanting more, it caused them to sin.
The enemy tries his best to distract us from looking forward to what God has for us. He wants us focus on the journey, complain about it, get out of alignment with God and go back to our old ways (depending on ourselves). He wants us to focus on the time when we were in world doing our own things, receiving from the world's system. Forgetting that the world system is a place of bondage and misery.

When we decide to live for God, the enemy will use all kinds of things to make us complain and fight against God. There will be times in life when you will want to complain, want to turn around and go back what's familiar. DON'T DO IT!!! When you press on and follow God's plan for our lives, we are greatly rewarded and blessed in the end.

 It is Okay to say "Lord, I do not understand what is going on? But will trust you." Then to complain about all things that are making you uncomfortable through the process, on your way to what God has promised you.

When you are tempted to complain, pray instead and put your trust in God.

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