To Be Faithful is to be Successful

God wants you to succeed in life. And He will give you the tools, strategies and relationships necessary to make it happen. David started out as a shepherd boy but God had plans of making him into a king. The Bible says," In everything he did he had great success, because the Lord was with him. (1 Samuel 18:Fourteen) But God's definition of success is very different from the world's definition. 

I am not called to be successful , I am called to be faithful. -Mother Teresa

Some of us are called for the stage while others are called to perform behind the screens. We should not be discourage about our position but we should be concerned about how well we perform. There will be a day where we stand before God and our worldly possessions will not be important. The fact that we were faithful to God and  His word will stand as a true testament of His Will over our life.

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