Genesis 3: Broken intimacy

In the beginning Adam and Eve had no secrets from each other. They were both naked and ashamed. As a couple, God give them power to rule the world. God give them a promise, a promise that the enemy set his eyes on to attack and steal. What did he chose to attack? Their intimacy with God. He attacked their relationship with God. When the enemy stole  Adam and Eve's intimacy Scripture says " Their eyes were opened and they knew each other's nakedness. So they cover themselves (Genesis 3:Seven). They cover the part of themselves that was once intimate. When Adam and Eve lost their intimacy , they hid from God and blamed each other for it. They had broken their intimacy.

The word intimacy means" to be open, transparent and trusting. Intimacy is the most important part of a relationship. It is where you chose to longer hide but share everything about yourself with someone you love and care about. Without intimacy, fear enters. When intimacy is broken, we become afraid of revealing our truths (fears, needs, insecurities, secrets, hopes, dreams, opinions),  When fear is present in any relationship it can become complacent, empty, and accessible.

Here are some of the most common fears.

Fear of loneliness\ abandonment: "If someone really got to know me, they will probably loose interest in me and leave.

Fear of I am not enough: I can't fulfill their expectation.

Fear of losing control: Now that you know me, you may use it to control me.

Fear of being love: I've never experienced this kind of love before, This is too good to be true. I don't deserve this.

When fear is present, intimacy is hard to find. When we fear relationships, women become easy to get and men become hard to find

How do you fix broken intimacy?  By replacing fear with love. True intimacy does not have a space were fear can exist, only love can. Love allows your heart to remain open to the flaws and faults of others,while having patience and understanding that they can\ will get better. Even thought, intimacy was broken, God restored it with love. They each had to face the consequences for what they did (Genesis 3:14-Sixteen) but God still covered them (Genesis 3:Twenty-one). And that is still the relationship of intimacy each of us continue to restore this very day. 

The 1st intimate relationship we seek is with God.

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