Lord, Send Someone Else!

"Why me Lord, send someone else, I can't do it!?!?"

When God called Moses to go into Pharaoh's palace and say, "Let my people go." he responded by saying, "Please, send someone else to do it because I have so many limitations." Do you feel this way? If so, here's what God told Moses: "Now go, I will help you speak and will teach you what to say" Exodus 4: Twelve

When God calls you He equips you. But He doesn't necessarily give you all the instructions to complete the task all at once. Sometimes your training takes place through the process of doing what God says and that can be scary. Maybe you're giving God all of your limitations before accepting His task. Are you saying" I am afraid to do this, I'm not qualified for this or this maybe to hard for me to do". I want to be the first to say Congrats!, you have now come to the limits of what you cannot do without God's help. You can no longer rely on your own perspective to see your way through to the next level. God does not want you to be independent of Him (doing things without Him). He wants you to be interdependent (doing all things through Him seeking His help and guidance). Don't look for anyone else to qualify you.  The only qualifier you need is that God said you can do it. Consider His process as on the job training. There are some trainings you will learn from computer modules (church sermons)  but  the truth is the  best experience comes from testing your knowledge (life experiences) and applying  it to job. This is the same with God. When you  learn to trust and obey God's process. You exercise your faith and grow beyond your limitations . You find yourself move interdependent on God than ever before. Don't be afraid to ask for help, make mistakes or do things differently. This can be humbling and keep you in alignment with your destiny.  God called you because He designed you for that particular  job on purpose. 

(SN: It ok to be afraid. Just remember, whatever you may go through you're not alone. God is with you.)

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