Are You Independent or Interdependent???

Our relationship with God should be interdependent and not independent.  We must learn that apart from God we are helpless and hopeless. When we choose independence over interdependence we choose to leave out God out of our lives. And when we do this, we can no longer advance His kingdom because we are now outside of His will (Remember: God never walks away from us, we walk away from God).  But when we choose to be interdependent, we choose a relationship were we work together. We learn  the trueness of what it means to have a relationship with God. We learn that God is not looking for us to be perfect but honest in our relationship with Him. There is no guilt or shame present, just love. An unconditional pure intimacy kind of love.  One that no matter how far you may feel like you are away from God, He is right there with you through it all . He is there in your mess and He is there when you are blessed.  All He asks for is total dependency on Him and humility in your heart. This is the foundation of a growing relationship with God. So
be interdependent in your personal relationship and watch Him change your life.

The Goal is to grow in your relationship with Christ changing the relationship you have with others.    -Shera B.

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