Reject Rejection as God protection

            David believed that with God's help, he could slay the giant Goliath. But his brother Eliab accused him of presumption and having an evil heart.( I Samuel 17:Twenty-eight) Eliab's accusations came from a jealous attitude towards David. He tried to make David feel small and worthless. David was a wise young man, and his response to Eliab was an important key to his future: "David turned away from Eliab.( 1 Samuel 17: Thirty)

                  When we take a step of faith to do something for God or to help hurting people, Satan attacks. He often works through someone we love to make us feel worthless, rejected, unacceptable, inept, or out of place. We must stand against these attacks an keep our keep our eyes on God and His direction to us, but Satan comes against us with fears- often with fears about ourselves and our abilities. 

           David's older brothers did not include David in the things they did because they thought he was too young  and they probably were jealous of him. As a result, I am sure he felt rejected. Many times God will choose to use people who have felt rejected and been excluded. He selects those whom society would reject in order to show Himself strong. He also purposely chooses what the world would call "weak and foolish" so no one takes the credit that is due to Him alone. (1Corin 1:26-Twenty-nine)

    If you have been rejected or ill-treated, I encourage you to do as David did. Turn away from it! Forgive your enemies, and do not let offense fill your heart. Do not pay attention to what the devil is trying to do; keep your eyes on God and follow His instruction. Yes, God can use you to do great things. God is not looking for someone with ability, but someone with availability, He is not looking for someone with perfect attributes, but someone with a perfect heart towards Him. Keep your heart pure by refusing to allow hatred, strife, offense, bitterness, resentment, or unforgiveness to dwell in it.

  Always believe what God says about you above your own feelings about yourself and above what others have to say. God says you belong to a Kingdom, You belong to Him. He loves you and will work through you if you will simply let Him. You are special to God. You have infinite worth and value. Perhaps the world would not consider you usable material for God, but he sees differently than the world does. Say, " Here I am God, use me," and watch Him go to work!

-Joyce Meyes

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