
Your kingdom come, Your will be done, on earth as it is in heaven. Matthew 6:Ten 

I now understand why Jesus said "Repent, for the kingdom of heaven is near!" Jesus was trying to get the people of His day  and now to understand that the kingdom of heaven is closer to us than we think. We are all guilty of saying "I can't wait to get to heaven" While missing the point that  while time we are worshiping a heaven in the sky, God is trying to give us heaven on earth. Our connection with God is His way of  transferring  of all that He wants to  do on earth  for us and through us. We have become so busy with worshiping our trip back to  heaven that we are missing the goal of God trying to make a heaven here on earth. We have become homesick seeking a home that God intended on us have here.  

One of my favorite quotes is "We are spiritual beings have a human experience."  When God created us He created us in His likeness and image. He also give us unlimited  power and access to His kingdom.  His goal was for us to have a interdependent relationship with Him were we work together to accomplish His divine goal. But when sin entered into the divine, ties were cut, relationships were broken  which lead us on a quest of  seeking home ever since.  Ultimately leaving us with homesickness as we continue to use our flesh to get back to what we lost.  God saw how we were having a hard time trying to get back to Him. We broken His heart with our flesh and we continue to use our flesh (our works) to win His love back to us. Thank God that He seen that our flawed attempts so He  sent His son to teach us how to renew our hearts by saying "Repent (seek forgiveness) for the Kingdom of God is near. When we listen and do as Jesus says we will find ourselves on our  way back to our divine alignment  and assignment in God. With this message, Jesus continues to remind us that  home is not as far as we think. 


Possessing the land of plenty involves dispossessing our current situation. ( See Numbers 13:30) For the Israelites, that meant fighting the people who occupied the land they were supposed to inherit. But for us, that could mean dropping some old habits, removing ourselves from people and situations that are not beneficial or allowing God to change our mindsets. Whatever it  maybe, we have to make the choice to leave behind what is old to   move towards the greater. Spiritual  warfare is bound to happen. 

Spiritual and physical attacks are what the enemy uses to make us weary and divert us from moving forward and possessing the life that God has in store for us. In order to take the promises of God and enjoy the His blessings.We have to learn how to fight the enemy  on a spiritual level.  We must combat him on a  spiritual level. As we do, we cannot be lazy, passive and irresponsible. We need to be aggressively walking in the righteousness of God. We must we our shoes of peace and helmets of salvation. We should wield the two-edged sword of the Spirit by speaking the Word of God in every situation and staying in pray and faith. We cannot make excuses (a reason stuffed with a lie) and fight at the same time. We have to put down our excuse bag  and fight with our faith bag. 

When God puts something on our hearts that we do not want to do, we should not reach into our excuse bag and pull out excuses like " I don't have what it takes" , "It's too hard" or "I'm afraid" -just as those 10 spies did when they spied out the promise land for the first time. Excuses do not relieve us of our responsibility to do what God has said.  If we choose to respond to God with "I'm afraid but I'm going to do it afraid!" Then God response to us will be  " Then do it afraid! and as you go, I will be with you along the way, you will conquer your fear." ( Deuteronomy 31: Six)

Traded in your  excuse bag  for your faith bag and as you shed your excuses, you will find that God and only God is sufficient. Learn from Caleb and Joshua who were God confident and possessed the promises that God had in store for them (Deuteronomy 1: Thirty-Six). Know that God wants you to enter the promise land confident in Him, without excuses possessing all He has in store for you.   


Are You Prepared??

Jesus spent 30 years in preparation for a 3 yr ministry. It was this time Jesus grew in strength, wisdom, and favor. 

The "instant" society that we live in today is ruining us. Because everything is so instant and so easy, we think everything coming from God should be the same. But godly strength, wisdom, knowledge, spiritual maturity, and character are developed in us as we go through life . When we want to grow up in God, He enables us to do what He has called us to do. But it can only happen when we become faithful to the process.

Taste & See

Welcoming The New You

Think, for a moment, about your old self, the person you were before you invited Christ to reign over your heart. Now, think about the "new" you, the person you have become since then. Is there a difference between the "old" you and the "new and improved" you? There should be! And that difference should be noticeable not only to you, but also to others. 

The bible clearly teaches that when we welcome Christ into our hearts, we become new creations through Him. Our challenge, of course, is to behave ourselves like new creations, When we do, God fills our hearts, He blesses our endeavors, and transforms our lives....forever. 

Reflect On This:
No man is ever the same after God has laid His hand upon him. -A.W. Tozer

Todd Dulaney - Victory Belongs To Jesus (LIVE)

Be Intentional

Think....pause....then speak: How wise is the person who can communicate in this way. But all too often, in the rush to have ourselves heard, we speak first and think next.....with unfortunate results. 

God's Word reminds us that, "Reckless words pierce like a sword, but the tongue of the wise brings healing" (Proverbs 12:Eighteen NIV). If we seek to be a source of encouragement to friends and family, then we must measure our words carefully. Words are important: then we must measure our words carefully . Words are important: they can hurt or heal. Words can uplift us or discourage us, and reckless words, spoken in haste, cannot be erased. 

Today, seek to encourage all who cross your path. Measure your words carefully. Speak wisely, not impulsively. Use words of kindness and praise, not words of anger and derision. Remember that you have the power to heal others or to injure them, to lift others up or to hold them back. When you lift them up, your wisdom will bring healing and comfort to a world that needs both. 

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