Living With the Living Word

Are you sincerely seeking to discover God's will and follow it? If so, study His Word and obey His commandments. The words of Matthew 4:Four remind is that, "Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that proceeds from the mouth of God" As believers, we must study the Bible and meditate upon it's meaning for our lives. Otherwise, we deprive ourselves of a priceless gift from our Creator.

Jonathan Edwards advised, "Be assiduous in reading the Holy Scripture. This is the fountain whence all knowledge in divinity must be derived. Therefore let not this treasure lie by you neglected." God Holy Word is, indeed, a priceless, one-of-a-kind treasure, and a passing acquaintance with the Good Book is insufficient for Christians who seek to obey God's Word and to understand His will. After all, man does not live by bread alone......

Reflect On This:
The Bible was not given to increase our knowledge but to change our lives.
                                                                                                                    -D.L. Moody

Studying God's Word

When it comes to your faith. God doesn't intended for you to stand still. He wants you to keep moving and growing. In fact, God's plan for you includes a lifetime of prayer, praise, and spiritual growth.

As a Christian, you should continue to grow in the love and the knowledge of your Savior  as long as you live. How? By studying God's Word every day, by obeying His commandments, and by allowing His Son to reign over your heart, that's how.

Are you continually seeking to become a more mature believer? Hopefully so, because that's exactly what you owe to yourself and to God.......but not necessarily in that order.

Reflect On This:
There is no way to draw closer to God unless you are in the Word of God every day. It's your compass. Your guide. You can't get where you need to go without it.      
-Stormie Omartian

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Finding the New and Better Way

For faithful Christians, every day begins and ends with God and with His only begotten Son. Christ came to this earth to give us abundant life and eternal salvation. Our task is to accept Christ's grace with joy in our hearts as we receive the "new life" that can be ours through Him.

Believers who fashion their days around Jesus are transformed: They see the world differently; they act differently, and they feel differently about themselves and their neighbors.

Thoughtful believers face the inevitable challenges and disappointments of each day armed with the joy of Christ and the promise of salvation. So whatever this day holds for you, begin it and end it with God as your partner  and Christ as your Savior. And throughout the day, give thanks to the One who created you and saved you. God's love for you is infinite. Accept it joyously and be thankful.

Actions Speak Louder

Our words speak, but our actions speak much more loudly. And whether we like it or not ,all of us are role models. Our friends and family members observe our actions; as followers of Christ, we are obliged to act accordingly.

Corrie ten Boom advised, "Don't worry about what you do not understand. Worry about what you do not understand. Worry about what you do understand in the Bible but do not live by." And that's sound advice because our families and friends are always watching....and so, for that matter, is God.

Reflect On This:

Actions speak louder than words; let your words teach and your actions speak. -Anthony of Padua

Although our actions have nothing to do with gaining our own salvation, they might be used by God to save someday else! What we do really matters, and it can affect the eternities of people we care about.    -Bill Hybels

The Power of Patience

Temper tantrums are usually unproductive, unattractive, unforgettable, and unnecessary. Perhaps that's why Proverbs 16:Thiry-two states that, "Controlling your temper is better than capturing a city."

If you've allowed anger to become a regular visitor at your house, today you must pray for wisdom, for patience, and for a heart that is so filled with love and forgiveness that it contains no room for bitterness. God will help you terminate your tantrums if you ask Him to. And God can help you perfect your ability to be patient if you ask Him to. So ask Him, and then wait patiently for the ever-more-patient you to arrive.

Reflect On This:
When I am dealing with an all-powerful, all-knowing God, I, as a mere mortal, must offer my petitions not only with persistence, but also with patience. Someday I'll know why.
 -Ruth Bell Graham