Is love the main theme of your life? If not, you need to make a change. Often we spend time seeking things that we think are important, but they aren't important to God at all. I did that for a long time. I tried to build a worldwide ministry, tried to change myself and my husband and children, tried to prosper and succeed. I tried a lot things, but I ignored the one thing Jesus told us was important.
Do not major in what Jesus considers to be minor. In other words, don't spend your time and efforts on things that have no lasting value and don't add to the kingdom of God. We should all take a regular and honest inventory of our love walk. Do you study love? Do you purposely walk in love? Do you really know what love is? It is certainly more than theory or speech. The Bible says love is seen in our behavior towards one another. It is by our love that the world will know we are Jesus's disciples. (John 13:Thirty-Five)
The world will not be impressed with anything other than seeing a consistent love walk among Christians. That will impress them because it is rarely seen and it is impossible for anyone to maintain without Jesus Christ in their lives. Talk is easy, but the world needs to see action. God is love; so when people see real love, they see God.
Love can be described quite eloquently, but I believe the real power of love is seen in how we treat one another. Are we patient, kind, humble, ready to believe the best at all times, not easily provoked or offended and ready to lay aside our rights for other people? Are we ready to quickly and frequently forgive, and to never keep records of wrongs that we have suffered? Will we endure everything without weakening and bear with the failings of the weak? The willingness to do these things is what love is all about. Love is an effort and it always costs us something. Most people today are looking for the easy road, the one which people are willing to treat others as they want to be treated travel.
- Joyce Meyer