We do not have to earn our crown. It has been gifted to us through a promise. Romans 8:16-Nineteen
The (default) Queen
According to Google, the definition of default is a failure to fulfill an obligation, or to revert automatically to a preselected option adopted when no alternate is specified. This made me think could there be a (default) mode in some of our environments that have molded us into who we are today. Our mindsets, behaviors and habits didn't just happen by accident. It all comes from a place. A (default) environment that has given birth to the (default) queen.
The (Default Queen) is a woman who's raised in an environment that contributes to her living a limited lifestyle which causes her to forfeit her destiny. The (default) environment that has contributed to her condition is plagued with pre-existing conditions of dysfunction. It is a collection of unhealthy mindsets, negative behaviors and habits that have created distrust and fear. The (default queen's) crown goes unchallenged as it is passed down from generation to generation, stealing countless women's true calling and destiny. As dysfunction continues to be the norm, she's grow in an environment that is never meant to help her find her true potential. The (default)queen assumes that this is the only crown she will receive and settles, becoming a product of the (default) environment. She goes through life wearing a broken crown never discovering the authentic queen that is within her.
We all have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God. Romans 3:Twenty-three
This is not as hard as people may make it seem. To repent is to sincerely seek forgiveness for any wrongs you may have done towards yourself and \or someone else (this can be conscious and\or subconscious). and change from your previous ways . Repentance is a choice to change not a blame game. True repentance happens when conviction through love is present, not condemnation. Repentance should direct us away from sin leading us to follow and emulate the character of Jesus Christ.
When we repent, we are taking responsibility for our actions leading us to seek change. This act should be done from a sincere and truly remorseful heart ( not motivated by fear or manipulation but through the act of love) , not blaming anyone else but taking full responsibility of our actions and it's consequences. When we do this, we are choosing to learn from your mistakes instead of making excuses for them leaving us to remain the same. Remember: Sin is a behavior, it not who you are. It's not your identity. It can be changed.
Sin is a behavioral problem and \or pattern that does not produce good in our life. It's birth from generational curses (past down mindsets and behaviors) peer pressure, and repeated mistakes with little to no consequences. But the good news is ......sin can be changed by becoming aware of our actions and it's affect on ourselves as while as others, directing us to seek forgiveness ( make a habit of practicing this one) and repent (changing your mind from your previous ways). Simply put: if you wronged someone, put your pride aside and apologize and accept the fact that you may make mistakes so forgive yourself often.
So to take the negative connotation away, Repentance is simply changing our mind about our previous behaviors, choosing to patterning our character after Jesus Christ while allowing room for Him to change our hearts to reflect His in the process . #doingheartwerk
Labels: Jesus, God, Encouragement, Kingdom
Private Prayer Lifestyle
Are you in need of some private prayer??
Private Prayer Lifestyle - is seeking alone time with God.
There's a prayer group lifestyle we have all become accustom to. You know the one were we hold hands while we all listen to someone say a prayer over everyone present. We all stand in agreement and end the prayer with an Amen. Then we start our day or work week. But what happens on Tuesday when hell it knocking at your back door and you cannot wait until Wednesday or Sunday for prayer circle or altar call. YOU NEED JESUS TO SHOW UP, AND NOW!! Now prayer circles are important for fellowship and interaction with others. But what if I told you there is a is a prayer lifestyle that you can use every day of the week. Jesus made a habit of doing it. It called a private prayer lifestyle.
But He Himself withdrew to the wilderness and prayed. Luke 5:Sixteen
In the new testament there are many times were Jesus would have private prayer time.
When He was tempted, He prayed
Before selecting the 12, He prayed
He would leave His disciples to pray
He would leave cities He preached in to pray
Before He was crucified, He prayed
And even with a busy work schedule (saving multitudes of people), He prayed
He would seek His alone time with God. Even in His busiest moments, He still put God first place over all things.
Learning how to withdraw from the demands of life and be alone with God is a benefit. One that adds so much more to our lives because we are learning how to take the pressures and burdens of every day living and give it to God (truly letting it go). When we learn how to pray in private, we learn how to deepen our relationship with God. We learn how to develop and seek His peace, His stragtey, His understanding, His love, His favor, His grace, His mercy, His divine connections and relationships. We will plan our day around our one on one time with God because we know how much it will benefits us.
When we learned to develop a private prayer lifestyle. This is where I learned how to trust and depend on God for the answer and get out of our own way. We will take all things to Him (no matter how big or small) because we know that God is our source.
A private prayer lifestyle helps you clear your mind and seek truth and understanding.
A private prayer lifestyle helps you create intimate one on one time with God and strengthens your relationship with Him.
A private prayer lifestyle prepares us for Kingdom living.
A private prayer lifestyle is were revelation is given.
A private prayer lifestyle keeps us in harmony with God.
A private prayer lifestyle put things in the right perception and aligns us with the right connections.
A private prayer lifestyle show that we can trust and depend on God.
If Jesus needed private time with God, then so do we.
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Heir Status
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It's a New Life
God's Word is clear: When we genuinely invite Him to reign over our hearts, and when we accept His transforming love, we are forever changed. When we welcome Christ into our hearts, an old life ends and a new way of living ---along with a completely new way of viewing the world---- begins.
Each morning offers a fresh opportunity to invite Christ, yet once again, to rule over our hearts and our days. Each morning presents yet once again, to rule over our hearts and our days. Each morning presents yet another opportunity to take up His cross and follow in His footsteps. Today, let us follow Him , step by step, on the path that He first walked.
You were born wit h tremendous potential. When you were born again through faith in Jesus Christ, God added spiritual gifts to your natural talents.
-Warren Wiersbe
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It's in Your Example.
Whether we like it or not, all of us are examples. The question is not whether we will be examples to our families and friends; the question is simply what kind of example will we be.
What kind of example are you setting? Are you the kind of person whose life serves as a powerful example of righteousness? Are you a young man or woman whose behavior serves as a positive role model for younger folks? Are you the kind of person whose actions, day in and day out , are honorable, ethical, and admirable? If so, you are not only blessed by God, but you are also a powerful force for good in a world that desperately needs positive influencers such as yours.
D.L.Moody advised, " A man ought to live so that everybody knows he is a Christian, and most of all, his family ought to know." And that's sound advice because our families and friends are watching...and so, for that matter, is God.
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Love Me........
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Our Example in Christ
There are some who listen to what we say.
There are some who are watching what we do.
In everything we do, we have to make sure our example matches that of Christ.
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Quote my life,
Don't Lose Your Cool
Anger is a natural human emotion that is sometimes necessary and appropriate.
Even Jesus became angry when confronted with the people selling items in the temple (Matthew 21). Righteous indignation is an appropriate response to evil, but God does not intend that anger rule our lives. God does not intend that we turn away from anger whenever possible and forgive others just as we seek forgiveness for ourselves.
Life is full of frustrations: some great and some small. On occasion, you like Jesus, will confront evil, and when you do, you may respond as He did: vigorously and without reservation. But, more often your frustrations will be of the more mundane variety. As long as you live, you will face countless opportunities to lose your temper over small, relatively insignificant events: a traffic jam, a spilled cup of coffee, or an inconsiderate comment. When you are tempted to lose your cool over the minor inconveniences of life, don't. Turn, instead, to God. When you do, you'll be following is commandments and giving yourself a priceless gift.......the gift of peace.
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Reach for Greater Things
God's Word teaches us that hard word is valuable. In his second letter to the Thessalonians, Paul warns "if anyone will not work, neither shall he eat" (3:Ten NKJV) And the Book of Proverbs proclaims, " A person who doesn't work hard is just like someone who destroys things" (18:Nine NCV), In short, God has created a world in which diligence is rewarded but sloth is not. So, whatever it is that you choose to do, do it with enthusiasm and dedication.
Hard work is not simply a proven way to get ahead, it's also part of God's plan for you. God did not create you for a life of mediocrity; He created you for far greater things. Reaching for greater things usually requires work and lots of it, which is perfectly fine with God. After all, He knows that you're up to the task, and He has big plans for you if you possess a loving heart and willing hands.
We must trust as if it all depended on God and work as if it all depends on us.
-C.H Spurgeon
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Hard work is not simply a proven way to get ahead, it's also part of God's plan for you. God did not create you for a life of mediocrity; He created you for far greater things. Reaching for greater things usually requires work and lots of it, which is perfectly fine with God. After all, He knows that you're up to the task, and He has big plans for you if you possess a loving heart and willing hands.
We must trust as if it all depended on God and work as if it all depends on us.
-C.H Spurgeon
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My Heart
There's not a day that goes by that I do not think of you. You are my forever!!
Miss you mommy,
Love your oldest daughter,
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Dear, Wallace Allen, A Letter to My Mother's Murderer
This is a letter I prepared for the resentencing trial on April 3, 2018 to address my mother's murderer. Due to rescheduling, I was not able to read it in person. I have been holding on to it since then and decide to share it today. Today makes 21 years of being without my mother.
Dear, Mr. Wallace Allen,
I once stood before you as a child, But today I stand before you a woman. My hope is that the words I speak not only penetrate your ears but also touches your heart.
I was eleven years old when I witness you take the life of my mother. I watched helpless, trembling with fear as you held a gun towards my mother while she begged for you not to take her life. Till this today,I am forever haunted by your actions that have left me with the last words I will ever here my mother say "Please, don't shoot me!"
The night of July 11th 1997 has left a permanent mark on my life. I will never forget the moments of frantically knocking on the door of our apartment to inform my Dad that my mother had just been shot while her body lay inside the car just outside our home. A home that was once built with love, laughter and fun is now turned into fear, sadness and grief. What was should of been a simple trip to the store for cereal were my mother would return home, tuck my sisters and I into bed and kiss us good night turned into a night were she would take her last breath, never to return home to us. In our last moment together,
I witness her die.
As I reflect on that night, I have come to realized that you did not only take one life, you took six. You took the life of my entire family, and also including yourself. I have decided to include you because you are now fighting against the consequences of your choices. A fatal choice you made 21 years ago. A crime that you have now become a victim too.
The effects of your actions have touched so many. You took the life of a woman how meant so much to her family and her community. You took a mother from her 3 daughters, a wife from her husband, a daughter from her mother, a sister from her brother, a favorite cousin, niece and friend, and also grandmother from grandchildren who will never have the chance to meet her . Your decision to pull the trigger that night brought darkness to my world. When Carol Marie Rountree's life ended. It left a void in my heart and tore apart my family. That night, I lost my mother but most importantly you took my role model. You took my hero. The person I wanted to be just like when I grew up. I never thought on the last day of her life it would end without giving me the chance to say good-bye or
tell her how much I love her, one last time.
Mr. Wallace Allen,i want you to know that I do not hold any hatred towards you in my heart and I pray that as I have forgiven you, you have also found a way to forgive yourself. While closure is a task that I continue to search for daily. It is understanding and mercy that has lead me to forgive you, releasing myself from the pain of your choices and taking my life back. I have decided I will no longer live in fear or be a victim to what I've witness you do. I will no longer be a prisoner to your choices. I will no longer be the sad girl with a sad story but a woman who has defied all the odds and conquered by turning my pain into passion. While I have chosen to forgive you. It's being without my mother that makes it hard for me to forget what you did. And because of this, I believe that you should spend the rest of your life in prison. Today, we may discuss and debate whether your life sentence is fair punishment for the crime you committed 21 years ago, but one truth will always remain the same.
The life sentence you have given us will never change.
To all who are present, thank you,
Shera Bush
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Looking Forward
Just as a garden is dormant in winter, so too, does the human soul endure seasons when growth is restrained. But just as springtime returns to the garden, so, too, does hope return to the human soul........in time.
Sometimes, the demands of daily life can drain us of our strength and rob us of the joy that is rightfully ours in Christ. But on our darkest days, God stands ready to renew our spirits and restore our strength.
God can make all things new, including you. Your job is to let Him.
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P.S I Love God and I Love You
Christ's words leave no room for interpretation: He instructs us to love the Lord with all our hearts and to love our neighbors as we love ourselves. But sometimes , despite our best intentions, we fall short. When we become embittered with ourselves, with our neighbors, or most especially with God, we disobey the One who gave His life of us. And we bring inevitable, needless suffering into our lives.
If we are to please God, we must cleanse ourselves of the negative feelings that separate us from others and from Him. In 1 Corinthians 13, we are told that love is the foundation upon which all our relationships are to be built. Our relationships with others and our relationship with our Creator. May we fill our hearts with love; may we never yield to bitterness. And may we praise the Son of God who, in His infinite wisdom, made love His greatest commandment.
When we love God and ourselves it makes it easier to love others.
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My Status as an Heir
Everyday I wake, I have to choose to die to my flesh. Being chosen is not easy. It comes with a lot of responsibility and commitment. But when I tell you it is all worth. Walking with Christ comes with choices. I have to choose to be happy, live in peace, unity and harmony. Yes, there are days when this is difficult choice and I revert back to being petty and acting in my flesh. Yes, there are times when I lose my way and have to remind myself to get back on track. I have learned how to allow myself to be human. I am flawed, imperfect and at times, I break easily. But yet and still I chose to die to my flesh. All because God has a neat way of reminding me that through it all, I am still worthy.
My status as an Heir.
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unity Done
Claim Your Inheritance
Heir to the Kingdom of God
Clothe in Righteousness and favor
Crowned with Humility
-------We Are Royalty----------
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Abide in My Word
In Deuteronomy 11:18-Twenty-one, God told the Israelites to write His words on the doors of their houses, on their gates, on their foreheads, and on their hands. They were to let the Word permeate their entire being, whenever they were sitting, lying down, or walking around. Why did God ask them to do this? Because He knew their hearts. And The Word of God is the only thing that keeps a person from having a deceived heart.
If we choose not to abide in The Word, The Word will not abide in us. We have to make a serious commitment to study and learn The Word of God. When we know The Word, God will protect us and keep us. but If we do not, deception will be knocking at your door. And what leads to deceptions is lies. When we choose reasoning and doubt over believing and obedience. It can lead to us believing a lie over the truth. Without the knowledge of God's Word, it will be hard to recognize what those lies are.
A deceived heart will not lead to a victorious life. We are all susceptible to deception but being rooted in God's Word will make it harder for us to be lead astray.
My sheep know my voice and a stranger they will not follow. John 10:Five
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The Bible says the fruit of the spirt are
peace, joy, patience, faithfulness, kindness, self -control, forgiveness, love, humility, goodness, and gentleness.
drama, negativity, pettiness, unfaithfulness, hateful, stress, mean, unforgiving, hasty, fighting, strife life, blaming others, lack of responsibility, fear, and confusion.
peace, joy, patience, faithfulness, kindness, self -control, forgiveness, love, humility, goodness, and gentleness.
drama, negativity, pettiness, unfaithfulness, hateful, stress, mean, unforgiving, hasty, fighting, strife life, blaming others, lack of responsibility, fear, and confusion.
Please don't frustrate my Holy spirt with the latter.
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Your Body is God Dwelling Place
How do you treat your body? Do you treat it with the respect in deserves or do you take it for granted? Well, the Bible has clear instructions on how we should care for our bodies.
God's Word teaches us that our bodies are God's living temple. It belongs to God. We are commanded (not suggested) to treat our bodies with honor and respect. We do so when we choose to make wise consistent choices.
Do you sincerely seek to improve the overall quality of your life and your health? Then promise yourself and God that you will begin to make the kind of wise choices that will lead to a longer, healthier, happier life. The responsibility for those choices is yours. And so are the rewards.
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Our body is a portable sanctuary through which we are daily experiencing the presence of God.
-Richard Foster
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Clothe with Righteousness, Crowned with Humility
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I am Living Proof
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Do Not Be Deceived
Don't judge someone just because they sin differently than you do.
When we focus our thoughts and conversations on the shortcomings of others, we're usually being deceived about our own conduct. Jesus commands that we not concern ourselves with the wrongs of others when we have just about the same amount of wrongs as they do. (See Matthew 7:3-Five)
We cannot change others, only God can
We cannot change ourselves, only God can.
Allow God to heal you first, and then you will be able to humbly, lovingly and effectively help others.
You can't not fix anyone else's crazy until you have fixed your own.
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Praise Him Anyway
Rejection is God's protection.
Everyone will not approve of the way God moves in your life. And that is Ok, choose to praise Him anyway. The addiction of approval will leave you outside of the will of God if you seek man's validation. It's hard to stand alone when others disapprove of you, but stand firm. Stand firm in what God says about you because the truth is what other people's opinions of you do not really matter; only what God thinks of you is important.
Am I trying to win the favor of men, or of God. Galatians 1:Ten
If I seek the popularity if men, it will be hard for me to please God.
#pickaside #pickaside
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