Total acceptance of myself can take further than having other's accept me.

Self love is the best love,
Self worth is priceless.

Grow where you are planted.
Some of us have to breakthrough concrete
in order to show others that it's possible.
There's beauty in the struggle. Glow where you grow!

Righteousness Is Not Perfection. It's Honesty

-Righteousness is not perfection. It's honesty-

Being righteous has more to do with us being honest with God then us being perfect for God. God does not have a expectation of perfection that we must maintain in order to associate with Him. He made us perfect. He just wants us to come to a place were we are aware of our limitations and will be totally dependent on Him.
    When we live by righteousness, we are choosing to live in right standing with God and  live our lives by faith. When we live by  righteousness, we make a statement to the world that we are putting God 1st place over our lives and trusting His plan for us. 

 The world berates us with standards of perfection that are unrealistic. And chasing those standards or trying to live up to it, can leave us feeling empty and like we are not enough. But if we learn  God's perfection. We learn that it is something that we do not have to seek because we are created with it.  He created us perfect, in His likeness and image. No matter how you or I may feel, we are perfect in His sight. With Him, perfection is not a goal we have to attain or maintain. Because perfection does not make us righteous, honesty does.
   So when living by righteousness, remember  perfection is not a request from God, only honesty. Being honest is what makes us feel complete. Being honest is what brings healing into our lives.  Being honest helps remove guilt and shame and replaces it with acceptance. Being honest with God helps deepen our  relationship with Him. Being honest is what truly leads us to a life of righteous.

Apply the Word

It is through faith that a righteous person has life | Romans 1:Seventeen

This righteousness is given through faith in Jesus Christ to all who believe |Romans 3:Twenty-two

Abraham believed God, and God counted him as righteous because of his faith | Romans 4:Three

Relationship 111: We belong to God

We all want to be loved and accepted, have a sense of connection with others. This makes us feel valuable and needed. But there are times when this does not happen leaving us feeling the opposite  abandon, lonely, and afraid. Which can lead us to be less trusting  of people. But  God wants us to know that no matter who does not love or accept us. He will always love us. What we can not receive from people ,we can always receive from Him.  God is the only  one  that knows everything about us  and still chooses us any -Ephesians 1:Four. He wants us  to know that if we feel that we don't belong to anyone. We belong to him.  #HeirStatus
Pay attention to the things that oppose your faith and try to prevent you from being obedient to God. Recognize them for what they are and don't let them rob you of your inheritance from God.
-Unshakeable Trust by Joyce Meyer


Are you enrolled in Faith University??!?

When we choose to take responsibility for what God has called us to do. We go through a season of development and growth. In this season, we learn how to trust God's plan and depend on Him to assist us in our growth. When we choose to trust God. He enrolls us into Faith University, Faith University  is where we establish our foundation in God and learn biblical principles and benefits of trusting God's Will and plan for our lives.  

In our first class, Faith foundation 101:  Becoming A new creation (2 Corinthians 5:Seventeen) We learn how to establish a personal relationship with God, how to be an individualized expression of Him. In this class we learn how to build a solid foundation in God through the most important part, establishing our own personal relationship with God. This is where God challenges our knowledge and truths about Him and teaches us who He truly is. He also removes and strips us down revealing who the world has told us we are and then He teaches us who He has made us to be. We learn our strengths and weaknesses, how to live in expectations of God's promises. He shows us our limitations and how to set boundaries and standards for our lives that can  improve our relationships with others.   We learn how He has made us in His image and likeness and  how He has given us power and authority to lead our lives. We learn about how He created us to be individualized expressions of Him with gifts and talents personalized for each of us.  He shows us all of the benefits we receive through having a personal relationship with Him. When we make a commitment to go through the process of development. We start to grow into the person God has created us to be.  

       During this class,  there will be times when God gives us random test and pop quizzes to test our knowledge of how we have applied His Word  to our lives.  ( God wants us to be doers of The Word and not just hearers | James 1:Twenty-two)  He will use people and circumstances  to test us and help strengthen our faith.  (SN:He will remove anything and/ or anyone that will prolong us from our destiny.)  This is how we move to different levels of faith. And if we do not  pass the test, no worries.  The course will be repeated until wisdom is gained from it.  God uses all things. (Romans 8:Twenty-eight)

(During test time: The teacher (God) is silent during the test but the enemy will try and take your focus and tempt you with the wrong answers. Stay focused on God  and speak what He has taught you. That will encourage and strengthen you during the test.) 


God equipps who He calls

The Bible has many stories of people who God called and equipped to do His will. He used people who were afraid, doubted, made excuses and even ran away. He also used people who's past was not squeaky  clean. From Adam- the 1st man who lack faith and sinned against God, to Paul - a person who killed Christians in the name of The Law (religion).  God was very aware of their self impose limitations and past mistakes and decisions. But guess what...... He still chose them anyway. God was not asking them to be perfect to do His Will or waiting for them to get their life together before He could use them. He called them were they were and developed and equipped them to do His Will.  All He wanted was their faith and trust to believe that He would do as He'd promised in exchange for Him to be glorified.

God equipped Adam even though he lacked faith and sinned in the garden
God equipped Abraham by giving him the faith to step out and trust him even though the was a liar
God equipped Moses to believe in himself to lead the Israelites  even though he was a murderer
God equipped David to be king even though he was an adulator and had her husband  killed
God equipped Jesus with the power and authority to teach and heal others even though he ask God to remove this cup from me before going to the cross.
God equipped Paul by using his past for his purpose even though he murder Christians
God equipped Jonah to save the people of Nineveh even though he ran away and went the other direction.

Even with their pasts mistakes, God used them anyway. Even with excuses, doubt and lack of faith, God used them anyway. God was not asking them to be perfect, He wanted them to be available so that  He could equip  and develop them to do His Will. He feels the same way about you too.

Having a personal relationship with God is allowing God to change you and not you trying to change God.

What is a stronghold?

A stronghold is anything that you choose to defend instead of examine and reflect on. A stronghold can be an attitude, behavior, past hurts, unresolved issues, unforgiveness, bitterness. Strongholds are things that keep us from being our best.