Advancing the kingdom of God : Trusting God

Advancing the kingdom of God : Trusting God: I came to the point were I was tired and depressed at my old job.  I wanted something different but just did not know how to go about receiv...

Trusting God

I came to the point were I was tired and depressed at my old job.  I wanted something different but just did not know how to go about receiving it.  So I made the decision  to trust God to supply my needs and I QUIT my job! Now, I have never quit anything in my life.  I just deal with things with a though that they will get better, but this was a new level of trust for me and my relationship with God.  I had been off for some weeks and faithing my way through it all. Bills started to  stack up and on-going car problems  tried to stop our progress and  steal my husband and I joy.  But it did not stop us from praising God and praying to Him. I continued to daily bible study and  I watched TBN and The Hillsong Channel daily as I prayed for God to show us a way.  With an expectation of change, I  filled out job application as a full time job knowing with a little bit of patience things will soon get better. Then I heard a Word from God through Bishop T.D Jakes and I decided to sow a seed into the Word that he had spoken on that Sunday.  Within 2 weeks later I was offered a job that  I wanted  and they offered me more money than I was making at my old job. The way I feel right now is priceless.  I have learned how to trust God through what I do not understand and that has change my life and strengthen my relationship with God. 😢😊😇😍